Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Desiring God's Best - By Rev Leonard Lim


One of the Bible characters who clearly wanted God’s best was Jacob. Yet when we look at his character we will not think that he deserved God’s best. His name after all, means “supplanter,” “deceiver,” “one who takes the heal,” or “one who displaces another by treacherous or deceptive means.” We see in the scripture that he lived up to his name!

Firstly, we want to consider:

I. What qualified him to receive God’s best? There are at least two reasons:

1. He was a descendant of Abraham.

Earlier, God had promised Abraham (Genesis 12:2): “I will bless you … I will make you a great nation … and I will make your name great.” As Abraham’s descendant, Jacob qualified to inherit these blessings.

We can also fulfill this condition by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because when we do so, we become the spiritual descendants of Abraham. Galatians 3:7 tells us that “… only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.” Verse 9 says “… those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.” And verse 13 and 14, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse … that the blessing of Abraham might come upon us in Christ Jesus … through faith.”

So, as Christians or believers in Christ, we qualify to inherit the blessing of Abraham.

What else qualified Jacob to receive God’s best?

2. (Because) He had a Great Desire for it

If we have these two qualities, we also qualify to receive God’s best even though our character may be imperfect or flawed initially like Jacob.

Secondly, we want to answer the question:

II. Just what is God’s best?

A careful study of the scripture will show that God’s best includes:

1. Spiritual Blessing

And this would include:

A. The fulfilment of God’s plan and purpose in our lives.

The coming of the Redeemer or the Saviour of mankind (which was God’s plan for the nation of Israel,) was fulfilled through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, instead of Esau who was the elder. Why? Because Esau despised (treated lightly) his birthright. Jacob on the other hand, eagerly desired to inherit the birthright which included the spiritual blessing of fulfilling God’s purpose and plan in his life.

B. (The spiritual blessing would also include) Personal encounters with God.

We see in Genesis 28:12 that Jacob had a personal encounter with God. He had a dream in which he saw the angels of God ascending and descending a ladder that reached heaven. When he awoke, he said (Genesis 28:16), “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.” Verse 17: “And he was afraid and said, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God and this is the gate of heaven!” Verse 19 says, “And he called the name of that place Bethel (House of God)…”

C. (Spiritual blessings include) God’s presence, God’s protection, and God’s provision.

This is seen in what Jacob said in Genesis 28:20-22: “If God will be with me, and keep (protect) me … and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on … then the LORD shall be my God … and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.”

Going back to the question, “Just what is God’s best?”

God’s best would also include:

2. Material Blessing

When Jacob returned home from Padan Aram after twenty years, he had a large family (11 sons and 1 daughter). Genesis 30:43 says “… he became exceedingly prosperous and had large flocks, female and male servants, and camels and donkeys.” Genesis 32:13-15 tells us that he planned to give Esau 550 livestock and he still had more. Besides God being with him, we see in Genesis 31:38-40 that he worked very hard for his father-in-law. Proverbs 10:4 says: “… the hand of the diligent makes rich.”

3. (God’s best include) God’s Deliverance and Restoration

God protected Jacob from the evil plans of Laban to cheat him. Laban had treated him unjustly. Genesis 31:41 mentioned that Laban changed his wages ten times. Jacob said in Genesis 31:42, “Unless the God of my father … had been with me, surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed. God has seen my affliction and the labour of my hands and rebuked you …”

In Genesis 31:12, God said to Jacob “… I have seen all that Laban is doing to you …” God protected him from Laban.

Later we see that God protected and delivered Jacob from Esau his brother. See Genesis 32. It was reported to him that Esau was coming to meet him with four hundred men. Of course Jacob was fearful! He thought that Esau was coming to take revenge for stealing his birthright.

It was also time for Jacob to put things right. It applies to us too. There will come a time when we have to face up to what we have done in the past and take the necessary steps to put things right. The best way to do this is to pray earnestly like Jacob. When he was very afraid about his brother’s coming, he turned to God and prayed earnesly. Genesis 32:22-28 reveals to us that he wrestled with God all night in prayer and prevailed! As a result a miraculous change of heart took place in Esau. When they finally met, Esau spoke kindly to him. Genesis 33:3-4, 8-12.

So we see God protected him, delivered him, and restored his relationship with his brother.


In summary, God’s best for us includes:
1. The spiritual blessing of: a.) fulfilling God’s plan and purpose in our lives;
b.) personal encounters with God; and
c.) God’s presence, protection and provision.
2. The material blessing of abundance.
3. His deliverance and restoration.


Jacob was abundantly blessed even though he did not seem to deserve it. It was because he was Abraham’s descendant and it was also because he had a great desire for God’s best in his life.

What about you and I today? If we are already believers in Christ, then we are also Abraham’s spiritual descendants. That means we qualify to inherit the blessing that was promised to Abraham. Next, we must have a great desire for God’s best.

When we look at the later part of Jacob’s life, we see a change in his character and in his spirituality. Genesis 47:7 tells us that he blessed Pharaoh when he met him in Egypt. And later, before he died, he gathered his sons together and prophesied over them. These are indications that his life was changed by God through all the hardships he underwent.

Be encouraged that it will end well for you as you put your trust in the Lord and desire His best. Believe God today for the restoration, the breakthrough, and the financial and spiritual blessings you need.

May God’s abundant blessings be upon you!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Churchs Statements

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